Bring on potty training! For those of you who are parents, I now have a whole new respect for you. We have been potty training our two year old and overall I really do feel like she has done super well but still it is no small feat!
I put together a supply list of what we bought in case you are curious when you embark on this adventure.
Here is what I bought in preparation:
- Potty Seat- I wanted one that would blend in with our normal toilet and didn’t want to have another small potty to deal with. (Trying to keep our small space minimal and organized) I ended up getting this one that attaches right to your toilet a while back and it has been GREAT.
- Stool- We have one from Ikea but when I looked online I couldn’t find the exact one. Here is one that is similar and here is another similar one on amazon but really any stool should work great!
- Cleaning Supplies- I mentioned this before, but this cleaner has been AMAZING. That and baking soda (who knew?) have made accidents way more doable.
- Underwear- lots and lots of underwear haha These have been a hit at our house along with some Frozen ones I got at Walmart!
- Potty Book- We got a few books at the library in preparation but we also got this one for some mid potty training excitement when the novelty was wearing off. The little songs made it really fun for her. Any other Daniel Tiger fans here? haha
- Pullups- We got pullups for nap time and night time.
- Water and Apple Juice
And that is it! Really, you don’t need too many things to feel prepared for this! I probably read 579589 books on this topic and my biggest piece of advice is to wait until YOU are ready and then commit! We followed Busy Toddler method for the most part with a few personal tweaks but more than anything I think it just required a lot of excitement from me and Dan. They feed off our energy!
Good luck on your potty training adventure!