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Dan & Kay’s Top 10 Dates of 2024

  1. Ate cheesecake and watched the movie “Somewhere in Time”
  2. Created our own reverse progressive dinner and went to a different restaurant for each course (Start with dessert, dinner and then finished with an appetizer)
  3. Made Chocolate Covered Strawberries and watched “My Big Fat Greek Wedding”
  4. Went to a Fancy Sea Food Dinner (Fin & Fino if you are local)
  5. Went to a local Hockey Game (super fun!)
  6. California Wedding for a Friend
  7. Boston Anniversary Trip
  8. Watched the Traveling Broadway Show: Lion King (AMAZING!!!)
  9. Puttery: Upscale Mini Golf Place
  10. Went to see “Scrooge: The Musical” at a local Playhouse