- Sushi Date and Walking around downtown Talahassee
- Spiderman Marathon of all the originals (Dan’s favorite superhero and Kay had never seen it)
- Zinicola (local Italian restaurant for Valentine’s Day)
- Chimney Rock Hike and Bam Bam Burgers
- Suit Shopping and then stumbled upon a German Restaurant for Dessert
- Trail Run at the White Water Center
- Cheesecake Factory to celebrate 5 years of Centsei
- International Art Festival and Fish Tacos
- Fall Festival that felt like we were straight out of a hallmark movie (So much laughter!)
- Cafe Monte (A local French Restaurant that was AH-MAZING)
Hopefully this gets your wheels turning that it doesn’t have to be anything fancy. Some of our favorite dates were our favorites because of the quality of conversation or the laughter more than the date itself. Here is to making date nights a priority even if they aren’t perfect!
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